Wednesday, July 1, 2009

You know you've been tired lately when . . .

you find the tube of diaper cream in the basket with all the tubes of toothpaste!

Yes, we have many tubes of toothpaste. I think my kids think tooth brushing time is supposed to be like the all you can eat salad bar. Hmmmm, what flavor should I choose tonight? Ranch, Italian, Nemo Grape, Princess Bubble Blast, Colgate Strawberry Burst? And can I get a new brush everytime I come back to this sink??

One more funny. Clara and I were looking at one of her favorite books the other day, Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever. It doesn't really have stories, just descriptions of different things on each page (the dentist, the doctor, getting up & dressed, etc). We had gotten to the farm animal page and I decided to get Clara involved in reading/recognizing the things on the page. So I said, "why don't you name the animals on the farm?" Clara replied, "Okay. How about Henry Pig, Pretty Sheep, Duck Goose and Wilma Cow." And that is how a 3 (almost 4!) year-old thinks!

Still working on those pictures I promised. Maybe tomorrow if it's a quiet (ha!) day here.

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