Sunday, November 2, 2008

Visiting Mimi & Pap

Since Mike was gone all last week, we went over to Dallas to visit my Mom & Dad (Mimi & Pap) on Wednesday and stayed until Thursday evening. I was pretty worn out by Wednesday nights, especially with bedtime. My timing wasn't just right & so I usually ended up with one crying girl at the time I also had John Michael screaming to be nursed and put to bed. So, I was really looking forward to having a few more hands to help at that time. Plus, we hadn't seen Mom & Dad in a couple of weeks and the girls were really looking forward to the visit.

Once we had about half of the house packed up (the girls each packed a suitcase - and they were both full. I think they might have been a little confused about the length of our stay in Dallas!), we got in the van and headed over. My plan for Clara to take a nap and Gracie to have some quiet time for the hour trip across the metroplex was foiled. Only JM stayed on plan and took a nap on the drive over. So we got to Dallas excited, but not rested.

John Michael loving his first meal at Mimi & Pap's

John Michael decided eating was the first order of business & I was glad to let Mimi feed him! I think he is having pears for this meal. He also enjoyed sweet potato, applesauce and some cereal while we were visiting. He couldn't seem to eat enough last week. He loved having Mimi feed him. She would actually play with him while feeding him, unlike Mike & me who are usually just concerned about getting the food in & then being able to eat ourselves. It was good to see the little guy have so much fun.

John Michael may have been forced to eat pureed fruit, but the rest of us enjoyed a great lunch of Gracie's favorite (that she only gets at Mimi & Pap's) - bagels with cream cheese, lox and capers. Of course, the lox is her favorite part. I had to explain to her after she first had it a few years ago that Mommy couldn't be buying it all the time for lunch & dinner for her!! Then the girls did a little artwork, watched a little tv, and played around the house. Nobody really took a nap (John Michael included). Clara looked wistfully at the pool, but she finally gave it up (the high was in the seventies ... brrrr for the pool).

Then it was on to dinner. A great roast and sweet potatoes (Gigi analyzed the difference between her two pieces of sweet potato - the first was stringy, the second was not). And of course, the Halloween desert. The grownups passed, but as the pictures show below, the girls really enjoyed their treat.

The girls loved the Halloween cupcakes that Mimi bought them for a treat.
But boy are they messy - too bad there were no dogs for cleanup!

Stop that Ball story - okay, Mimi has to tell this one on her own. Use the comment button down below, Mimi & add your story about Clara & her favorite Dallas bedtime story.

After the girls were in bed (thanks to Mimi!), I struggled with JM who seems to not need much sleep. The video below shows his last stretch of wakefulness, playing with Mimi just before 9pm. Just before this, he had a round of "bonkees" (bashing foreheads) with Pap that gave him the giggles (but I missed getting that on film since I was on the phone with Mike).

So that was the first day in Dallas. Since this is getting so long (and I am so slow posting since half the family has a bad cold), I'll wait until a second post to tell about Pap the Masked Monster. Pretty funny - J, S & C, I'm betting you can guess what this story might be!

Right before we left - a happy moment
together for JM & Clara Rose!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm glad you got to spend so much time with your folks.