So, I started this blog to try & keep everyone up to date on what was going on in our lives. I'm hoping that will still work out well, but I feel like I should take some time to catch everyone up to present day.
John Michael - at 6 months old, he weighs 17lb, 2 ounces. He's 26" long and can't wait until he can get moving! He can roll right now & almost get up on his knees. One of his favorite tricks is to try and grab the carpet and pull himself forward. Doesn't work very well, but he is persistent. He loves to be on the floor playing with toys. Just yesterday afternoon Gracie & Clara were fighting over who got to play with him. Both of them wanted to be the only sister playing with him & there were almost tears! But I got Clara interested in helping make lunch & promised her a turn later. Who would have thought a little brother would be so popular!
A few more stats on JM - he's got 2 bottom teeth that are about halfway in, he's eating two meals a day (seems to like everything so far- avocado is the latest treat at dinner time and he really seems to like that!), and he loves to sleep on his belly now. Although he still seems to think it is important for Mommy to get up and feed him a few times a night... trying to talk him out of that ...
Clara - at 3 years old, she weighs 40 lbs! And yes, she still wants to be carried sometimes. Clara is really enjoying having Gracie at school three mornings a week so that she can get some quiet time with Mama. It's amazing to see the difference when she has time to play by herself. This morning she used some really neat blocks she got from Mimi & Pap for her birthday and created a "playset" with different areas based on the different shapes of the blocks and then told me a story about the fairy princess on the playset.
Gracie - at 5 years old, she weighs 39 lbs! We call her Skinny Minny. At least for this family! She seems to be all legs and they keep on stretching. She tells us that she stretches every night so she can grow longer. Gracie loves her school. She is going to pre-K at Holy Cross Christian Academy for 3 hours on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. She says her favorite parts are recess and chapel. If I'm lucky, I get to hear a snippet or two about school each afternoon when she comes home. Doesn't seem to do much good to ask questions, but if you are patient the information seems to trickle out. One thing that she does report on daily is how the other kids did in school that day. They use a stoplight system for discipline & she always tells us if any of the other kids go to yellow or *horrors* red! She has always stayed on green, of course!
Mike & I - hmmmm - not reporting ages or weights here. Although I can report weight loss - I have been doing Weight Watchers since June. I've lost almost 15 lbs! Yay! I still have more to lose, but I am planning to be at my goal weight by next summer and am looking forward to some new clothes. Mike has been great about supporting me. I started going to a Zumba class (think dancing turned into an aerobic sport) on Wednesday nights. That means he has to walk in the door from work and I leave half an hour later & he is stuck with 3 kiddos to feed and bathe (or at least start bathing) over the next hour and a half.
I love that you're blogging! Great updates. Of course Clara's sz 4 skirt doesn't fit, if she weighs the same as sz 5 Gracie!
yeah, yeah - I guess I should figure that one out. But I usually think in terms of length. I did convince Gracie to pass on some of her summer size 4s to Clara at least for the next few weeks (surely summer is almost over???)
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