Saturday, December 18, 2010


All from the last few weeks in the life of John Michael:

"I turn on Christmas!  More Christmas, I turn on Christmas!"Yes, that's what he announces when he plugs in the lights for the tree and around the house (no lectures on a 2 and a half year old plugging things in, please!)
And also, we've discovered whenever he spies a Christmas tree somewhere: "They have Christmas!!"

Last Saturday, after spending a few hours at urgent care and JM receiving two breathing treatments and oral steroids (picture him on high speed, non-stop, full throttle!):
"I ready to check out!" and as we are finally walking out the door, I ask him if he wants me to carry him or if he wants to keep walking and "stretch his legs."  To which he responds by taking long, straight strides and announcing "I stretch my legs!" 

And from the back seat of the car on the way home ... (it was just the two of us in the car), a deep voice exclaiming: "Ho, ho, ho, Merrrry Christmas!"

John Michael went to mass with us this morning (Christmas), but he didn't manage to be quiet enough to stay in the church the whole time. So while we were in the back of the church "stretching our legs," we stopped by the cry room (which always has the door open) and he spied the font with the holy water.  He wanted to bless himself, so I thought no problem.  He dipped his fingers (he doesn't have the one finger thing down!) and then proceeded to cross himself (with my help).  And then ... those fingers went right to his mouth!  So he's good, inside and out. 

And later today as we were sitting on the porch swing watching for Aunt C and Mimi, JM called out "I see them, they're coming!"  So I look down the block, don't see anything, look again and then ask him, "Did you really see them?  Are you pretending? Are you teasing??"  Lots of giggles and that cute little grin "I teasing!"  He is quite the joker these days & is always happy if he can make you laugh with his silliness. 

I know I am leaving out many, many funny moments, but these are all my Mommy-memory brain can recall right now. 

1 comment:

Papa Bear said...

I have a pire engine! RrrRrr!