Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Some of my favorites

Here are a few of the phrases the kids have been using lately that always make me laugh:

From John Michael: "I'll be riiiiiiiight back ... (picture the backside of him running away, toddle, toddle, from side to side)." And in the we're still learning our consonant sounds category: pire engine, water pountain, pire man, ...
Finally, the funny story from last night - Mike was telling me that they just announced no raises for government employees for the next two years.  Not good news for us, but not much we can do about it.  We know there are plenty of people that work for the government that don't really do much work, but my husband doesn't happen to be one of them, so it's a shame they can't figure out how to reward those that actually do work.  Anyhow, Mike was saying that he heard the commentators on the radio talking about the no raise issue and the "lazy bums" that work for the government.  Well, JM picked up on that phrase and just ran with it.  We couldn't understand the first few sentences he said, but they definitely had "lazy bums" in them.  Then he went on to say "I put the lazy bums in a cage... so they won't scare you Daddy."  Watch out you lazy bums! JM will get you!

Clara gave us a good laugh on our drive home from Amarillo.  We were trying to find a place to eat dinner when she moaned from the back seat, "when are we going to eat?  I'm about to starve to death!"  Needless to say, she made it to dinner, although it barely resuscitated her.  She was almost asleep by the time she polished off her rice and bean burrito. 

Sadly, as Gracie gets older, there are fewer funnies from her.  Plus, as I get older, the chances of me remembering them gets worse.  What a bad combination!  But she did write a neat acrostic poem (they learned about them before Thanksgiving) the other day:

When I asked her when she had done that, she just said "in my spare time."   I was impressed! 

Here's another project that the younger sister did in her spare time.  It's a school and school bus.  Cool, huh?  Those blocks have been really fun and have been transformed into many, many different things.  The school and the school bus are new, though!

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