Monday, December 15, 2008

A Follow-Up : He pulls himself to standing!

So - we got out all the Christmas decorations (last week, finally) and got the tree decorated, etc. It's nice to have everything all decorated, but it is also a big baby hazard! Since the girls were 3-4 months old for their first Christmas, I haven't had this experience of the baby getting into all of the holiday decorations. We did pare down on what we put out ((a little, Mike would probably say - I got the polite, "you know, we don't have to put it all out") , but of course there is still plenty for an inquisitive little boy.

One of our "decorations" is an empty popcorn tin that we got several years ago. It's a medium size can, and apparently just the right height for John Michael. Check out the video below.

Today it occurred to me (I'm still clearly in the Mommy-thinking-oh-so-slow mode) that we should get down the toy that's actually made to help little ones learn to stand out. Of course, I remembered it when we were all playing in John Michael's room. Gracie was sure we needed to go get it right away. I tried to put her off, but a few minutes later I heard the inside garage door open and shut. Then she came back and announced, "I remember exactly the cover Daddy put on that toy and it is in the barn." Well, good to have the bigger ones around to help you when your memory fails. This evening, Gracie proceeded to announce to Daddy that we needed him to get that toy for John Michael tonight. Hmmm, good thought except for the sleet and freezing temps! She'll probably have to wait a few days until it's warm enough for a native Texan to venture outside at night!

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